No More Birth Control?

Seriously… where the fuck does this guy get some of the ideas? The country is falling apart in the housing, economic and our dollar areas; 99% of the world hates us; and most of all we are fighting 2 wars that have no end in sight and on the verge of a 3rd one.

How is this helping the country at all other than increasing the amount of illegitimate kids?

Not only could this prevent women from voluntarly getting birth control but also prevent rape victims the ability to have emergency contraceptives.

i’m a firm believer that birth control should be mandated until a woman is 25…or if she wants kids sooner she has to take a test to prove she’s mentally and financially able to handle the responsibility.

may not seem very much in touch with basic human rights…but, a lot of the people having kids today don’t deserve the human rights they’re born with…and on top of that. Furthermore…a lot of the kids having kids today are depriving their children of basic human rights by not being able to or even wanting to provide adequate care for them…

idiots, oh well.:fail: we need more welfare and unwanted children.

what about the girls who have a fucked up period?
My fiance almost died because of a fucked up period, she was on it for 12 out of 14 weeks.
We got her on birthcontrol to regulate it.
This shit will never pass, its rubbish

This sums up EXACTLY how I feel

Limited access… I’m sure health concerns will be allowed

wait…somebody’s actually going to marry you?

she actually tried to kill herself because she hates you and failed


now, I firmly believe in a womans right to choose, but does this really make sense to anyone?

Congressional Democrats are criticizing the Bush administration for a draft proposal they say would change the definition of abortion and limit women’s access to contraception.
Senate bill/Abortion debate
Democrats on Capitol Hill argue proposed changes by the Bush administration would limit access to contraception and abortion.

The draft proposal from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which began circulating around Capitol Hill earlier this week, would withhold government funds from health-care providers and organizations that don’t hire people who refuse to perform abortions or provide certain types of birth control.

now, does the draft state those words? Or is this their take on what it means? It seems more like something to stir the pot than anything else, but who knows. (at least in contrast to the first sentence)

So are they saying that birth control is unconstitutional or some shit? lol Would have to actually read the bill I guess (but going to enjoy the weather instead, knock a broad up and then push her down a flight of stairs)

ftw :tup:

Definitely seems like it. It’s a stupid thing to put in a draft regardless. The good news it is has zero chance of ever passing. The OP has a good point about it being time to focus on the big issues and let this religion in government shit go away.

Spoken like a true American.


They are not saying birth control is unconstitutional. They are saying NOT hiring someone because they refuse to perform abortions or provide certain types of birth control is unconstitutional. Because it’s unconstitutional, the government will withhold funds.

But wiretapping is A-OK! Fuck this.

They also said they were trying to redefine contraception as an abortion.

FUCK THAT. I agree with 90NA300ZX. Pass a fucking test to make sure you’re able to be a parent.

crazy bitches would assassinate him.

No More Birth Control?

Wow you should work for the media.
Make headlines that aren’t actually true.:tup:

you fail at life.

What’s sad is in the US people will jump on a headline like this, which is mostly BS, and ignore something like this:

I don’t care what she calls Bush. Read the rest of the article. The woman is as clueless as they come but no one in the Democratic party dares say so. “I’m not even going to let drilling come to a vote. I don’t care that over 73% of Americans want it. I think we should just draw down from our emergency reserves because by some retarded magic that will lower prices.” :bloated:

Seriously? She just said that to the entire nation on Larry King? And you guys get worked up over possible wording of a draft of legistation that will probably never get introduced?

And that my friends, is why I hate most Democrats.

I guess I should thank her because she’s given my party the silver bullet we were so desperately searching for this election.

Damn it I don’t want to pull out. :tdown:

cum in her butt.

Dude arent you like 18 and didnt you post last week that your girlfriend was retarded.

You aren’t one of those kids who think they have been dating that one girl that talked to them in highschool for a year and call her your fiance are you?

If you really are getting married I think we should make a pool on if she kills you or herself first. 2 1/2 : 1 on you.