I thought this was a joke…
Then I realized it was real. We are going to need condoms because this country is fucked.
Why did you think this was a joke? This has been a on going issue
The specific issue of her friend is such a small percentage of special cases.
The whole issue is blown out of proportion. $3000 per year for birth control is VERY VERY high number. I know for a fact that many birth control drugs can be prescribed that cost a whole hell of a lot less than that.
6 months worth of pills for $113.
And that’s the brand name stuff
Booze and a flight of stairs.
[sarcasm]thanks for adding your usual constructive insight[/sarcasm]
I don’t care if it is $1 or $10000000, don’t expect Georgetown to pay for it. She acts like Georgetown is the only good school in the World and she has no options. Like I said, this country is fucked, especially if that kind of person is going to law school.
Well, I agree for the most part. Contraceptive is a luxury, so it shouldn’t be expected IMO. She should just get over it and either buy condoms or birth control… Or pull out (lol)
However, saying that she should pick a different school to attend is not really a valid argument at all. The logic just isn’t there in so many ways. That’s just being a dick, and a cop out.
Although, I do think that for her friend with the ovarian cist, the medication should have been covered if it was a valid treatment. That was a dick move on the school/insurance company’s part.
Speed limits are against my beliefs… I’m not going to do those anymore.
Paying for things are against my beliefs… I’m just going to take anything I want.
Beating women is fine for my moral beliefs… I’m just going to beat every woman I see.
Where does it end?
^What? lol
The whole arguement on why they shouldn’t pay is “it’s against our moral beliefs”…
Therefore something that is for the betterment of our society as a whole, (and in my personal opinion we don’t do enough of but that’s a personal thing): Birth Control; we won’t do or pay for because it’s against “moral beliefs”.
So following that logic, speed limits are for the safety of our society… On Moral Beliefs… I don’t think they’re right, so I’m not going to drive the speed limit. “Moral Beliefs” can be used as a scapegoat from all sorts of controls we have to make our society “better”.
Birth Control is not for safety. It is a luxury. A luxury that we lived without for MANY years.
^^Maybe they should give out/pay for carrots. :gotme:
Tell that to the women who become incapacitated every month without it… I know of at least 5 who without BC are essentially bed ridden in pain for 3-4 days once a month. Tell that to the ones who need it for other medical conditions, IE reoccurring ovarian/uterine cysts among other things.
Also, it doesn’t have to be safety… I think you’re too fat, I’m not going to serve you this greasy burger because sloth is wrong.
As I already stated, if there is a legitimate medical reason, it should be covered. Incapacitated from their menstrual cycle? I’ve literally never heard of that. I find it odd that you know 5 chicks who spend 1 out of every 7 days incapacitated without birth control.
4 are family members from my moms side (Aunts/cousins who share WAYYYYY too much info at family gatherings); and 1 is a girl I dated years ago.
Any business has the right to refuse any customer for any reason
---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------
Like I said before.
1 - Legitimate medical reasons should get it covered.
2 - we’re talking about $250 a year. That’s pocket change even if you don’t make much money. You should be willing to spend that much money if you care that much about it.
3 - Get a job elsewhere. We’re only talking about religious-based employers. One’s with legitimate church affiliations, and even at that it likely has be the more strict/conservative orgs that are adopting this.
The issue is blown WAY WAY out of proportion
This actually is VERY FAR from the truth. do some research on this.
it’s off topic anyways
I wonder if these employers/colleges cover E.D. drugs for single male employees or students?
This is already a similar contraceptive mandate law in NY, and at least half of the rest of the country. There’s an exemption for houses of worship, but other religiously affiliated business have to provide for contraceptive coverage in non-self-insured employer sponsored health plans.
It’s always funny to me when people freak out about this sort of thing. Especially the people that don’t realize there’s already an existing state law that’s been in place for years.
Lol, who uses birth control? I’ll never see these girls again.