No more donks in Cincy!

PA has a “rust limit” for inspections also. lol

twice. last time was 2 years ago and the first time was when i was 17, i think. my mom actually hit a muffler that fell off a rusty truck she was behind on the highway. it bounced and hit the underside of her camry.

there is no law sayin your airbag has to be in lolol , it asks if the bag works but it wont fail for a unfunctioning bag

Oh, well fuck it then. I’ll put the wheel and shit in tomorrow when I’m doing the harnesses :rofl

i thought u were allowed to have ur airbags disconnected by the dealer if you chose to do so

And how many dents and dings do you have from rock, salt, and parking lots?

How about we out law deer? Those damn things total cars, never have insurance and if able flee the scene of the accident.

The sun uv rays should be outlawed as well, doing major damage to my paint daily in the summer.

That’s how ridiculous you sound, its accidental and extremely rare, if you’re so worried about damage to your car there are a million things more likely.

Like meteors.

lololol vlad at least u said it and not me , do i think people need to take better care of things ? yes butttt lets face it sometimes if a car is that bad the owners prolly dont have the monie to fix it to begin with .

it doesnt even matter what i say. it’ll be met with ridicule. im done with this.