no more high speed pursuits

gm is doing in 2009

I don’t like it. Just another way the government can mess with your personal property. If we start allowing our vehicles to be disabled remotely it also opens the door for criminals to somehow find a way to disable vehicles to rob the driver or for an invading enemy to disable our transportation.

How much longer before vehicles have gps in them to tell what road they are on and electronically limit them to the speedlimit of that road.

Just another way for Big Brother to work into our daily lives.

goes to show you, just buy used cars from now on.

I’m not a big fan of it either, but I bet someone will be able to disable that shit real easy. All you’d really have to do is get rid of your on-star crap that transmits and receives signals from outside.

When OBD2 first came out, it created some headaches, but there are tons of reflashes and tuning aids out now, and as always they come down in price over time.

So as much as I don’t like it, I’m confident that the aftermarket will find ways around it.

I WILL DEFEAT THIS if it’s on my car and I’ll go standalone if I have to. Fuck them. The invasive government can kiss my ass.

Whats this country coming to?

Taking out the stock radio disables OnStar as of right now. My OnStar quit working in my Cavalier when I put my Pioneer deck in.

geez, its not bad at all. The said they have to have consent from the vehicle owner. It not the government stepping in, its the private citizen whom makes the call to on-star and initiates the shut down so you get you car back in one piece.

I didn’t realize GM/OnStar was the government.
You guys need to calm down a bit, if you don’t call OnStar and say someone stole my car etc., no ones going to stop it. I don’t see the problem, I’d love to know that if someone stole my brand new car I can call and have it found and retrieved in a day.

x2, I think it’s a pretty good idea.

The people against it do not like the fact that a criminal could get the same controller in their car that the cops will supposedly have. If that controller is in the wrong hands, now someone can shut down your wife’s car when she is going through the hill district, I don’t have to tell you how that story ends.

Do you see the other side now?

thats what i was thinking, and i know the cops could have onstar shut you down if they wanted without your consent.


y’all remind me of the petty thugs I’ve seen as customers at stereo shops who would give the installers a tip to unplug/disable the onstar and sos (Mercedes emergency version of onstar)… 'cuz “someone” was listening in

The difference is, this isn’t about “listening”, it’s about shutting down your engine. That becomes extremely easy with the drive by wire that almost all cars are moving to.

that hamburger is and can be food

The cops aren’t the ones with the control, OnStar is and the cops will be talking to them in accordance with a request from the owner of the vehicle.
I suppose, theoretically if criminals figure out how to hack into the OnStar system then yes they could shut your car down, whenever, and wherever they want.
Maybe do a mass shut-down of all vehicles.
That’s ofcourse if OnStar doesn’t have some sort of preventative measures for this, I see the other side but to me it just doesn’t seem plausible.