New anti theft device/feature from GM.

“Stolen Vehicle Slowdown”

The program, which is part of GM’s OnStar satellite coverage package, uses GPS to track each vehicle. Remote operators press a button and the car begins regulating its own speed, limiting its velocity until eventually the thief is flooring it but the car’s moving no faster than 15 m.p.h. There’s even a little LCD on the dashboard that lets the thief know what’s happening.

The slow speeds of SVS mean no more dangerous high-velocity chases, so local news just got a little less exciting to watch.


Thats actually pretty cool… now if we can install that same system onto our own cars…

#1 rule of the car world… with enough money anything is possible :slight_smile:

i know that, but do you have enough money???

i was reading about that, theyre going to be using the onstar type thing to catch ppl tryin to run away in cars and limiting speed and locking em in the car till the cops get there. its bad and good at the same time. i wont get into a rant about that. all’s ill say is that i DO NOT want that on my new car

I deff do not want that on my car…Good if your car is stolen…Bad for running from cops!!!

I thought the fact that it was GM was theft deterrent enough

Your rental chevy malibu now looks FAR less enticing than the beautiful S2000 on the other side of the parking lot.

Wonderful. Can’t wait to see how this one pans out. :idiots

its not the fact that ill be running from them, thats just dumb, you can outrun a cop car, but no way can u outrun a damn radio. the fact that theyre intruding THAT much into my car is a bitch. you know theyre goin to cram cars full of sensors and put em in roads and ull just automatically get tickets cuz itll track where you are and how fast ur moving and all that shit. theres also positives in that, if u crash they know where u are and that u did crash, or maybe as a time stamp in a court case that shows u were the one to kill that chick or whatever. personally i dont want that in my car