GPS Tracking

I’ve recently been interested in installing a GPS tracking system in my sports cars. God forbid someone takes one of my cars, I’d love to be able to find it.

I don’t really want to spend $1000 on LoJack. I’m more interested in say modifying a track phone and hard wiring it into the car. Something on the cheap that lets me check where the car is when I feel like it.

Has anyone done this or thought about it much?

I like this :funny2:

is LoJack a one-time fee of $1000?

I know our work vehicles have a data-only phone hard-wired in running GPS…but paying for a phone, installing it, and then paying a monthly fee to maintain service on the phone could easily add up to $1000 over 12 months or so.

You’re still going to pay a monthly fee for cell etc

There are ton of these type of devices.

Last time I suggested LoJack on a vehicle, I was bombarded with people saying its retarded and no good. Must be why they have such great business

Hard wire in one of those. First year of service is included.

The problem is that unless it’s some dumbass out for a joyride any professional car thief is going to spot the GPS and remove it immediately.

You can buy a track phone with no monthly service fee, just a up front $50 card or whatever and set it up to auto send you the gps ordinates in text form. This would last very long time.

I’d obviously hide the device with a small back up battery, I’m not retarded lol. Unless a professional thief is to look behind the rear bumper or inside the front end I’d hope the police would be there by then.

Then I put this under the seat…

Also some cheap ebay style ones that just require a sim card.

What happens when they break out this?







Gps jammer or not, that crazy cell phone hard wired thing still looks like a bomb :gotme:

PS, the only reason I had an answer on this is we installed one in my grandmother’s car because we were worried she was going to get lost one of these days. My uncle gets a txt as soon as she leaves the geofence area we defined that covers her normal route between home, the store and her sister’s house. It’s awesome, sad and 1984 all at the same time.

im sorry, but the idea of Gpsing grandma just makes me laugh hysterically.

im going to pitch this one to my parents about my grandma, brb.

i would love to use the cell phone jammer while driving next to someone on their phone


Let them steal the car, get paid. It’s just a car.

These did not work on the gps tracking for our ambulances. Granted, that system is way way more expensive than a cellphone.

Install the “block of c4 explosive” theft system like Mel Gibson did in The Road Warrior.

Usually those GPS that track company vehicles have the antenna outside which is what tin foil is for…

Not sure how I feel about people working on an ambulance defeating the GPS system however.

Hide an iPhone in the car. If someone steals it, use “Find my iPhone.”

Not exactly cheap though.

I know, but I’d like a little something additional. I’m going to be storing some of my cars off site (from my house) and would like a little added comfort. Plus here in Texas its not a problem to shoot someone that took your car. LoL (jk, but seriously)