lojack isnt available around here

and the cheapest hidden gps chips i can find are 500 bux, for lifetime use, which really isnt that bad

anybody have some sort of tracking device on their bike?

If someone steals your bike, you really want it back?

i dont understand



You’d rather have your broken, abused, possibly in pieces bike instead of a check to replace it?

lojack is garbage …

try a company called guidepoint … i install a shit load of them … very compact ,10 min install …


By the time you realize it’s gone chances are they’ve figured out how to disable the GPS.

yeah im not sure thats entirely true

I believe them when they talk about hiding them in cars, but I bet someone pretty competent with bikes could find the lojack install pretty quickly. You can only shrink down something so much when it needs it’s own battery and a radio transmitter strong enough to be picked up from the distances needed to be useful in tracking.

You’re not well known for your intelligence around here.

A competent car thief can find and disable a LoJack transponder in a matter of minutes. And unless its a car jacking or its stolen right infront of you, it will be disabled well before you can call the police. And thats on a car. Not a lot of places to hide something on a bike, even a stupid bike thief could find it quick.

could be worth the insurance savings if you’re paying an arm and a leg.

I never did understand why people want their shit back once it’s stolen… I specifically don’t want my shit back… I want the cash to replace or upgrade.

hell ya upgrade is the way to go

ny police depts and sheriffs hate lojack, 75% of ny is a lojack deadzone, shop i was running was trying to get install rights to them.

didnt you get bashed for saying bolt on mods do not affect power gains claiming some guy didnt win a race you werent present to view, and im sure lojack is so shitty that they keep selling them and theyve been around

i think the last thread you got wrecked in you were known for this:

id rather be called a dumbass by someone who knows nothing about me =D