No net 2012

may be a repost

Not even gonna read it but I know it wont happen.

And its probably a repost coming from you jared.

haha…they were flashing back to that chicks tits pretty obviously while those dudes were talking

stoopid thread

thought you wold get a little lol out of it guess not… but the chikc has nice b**bs

Won’t happen

So the internets going to disapear while shes sleepings with virgins and her boyfriend crys because hes banned from WOW

lawls. that wont happen.

We’re going to California… I hear they still have internet out there.

that would be retarded for them to try and implement. I bet they’re (the cable companies) frothing at the mouth over the possibility for charging per webpage, but it would never fly. Just way too much content on the Internet.

I could of seen this back in the early days of dial up, but not anymore

And their example is for Telus wireless internet…

fucking losers

ill beleive this when this happens, but it wont happen, like dr.stevil said, too much involved, early days such as dialup then maybe. and Telus is a poor example and that shit is in canada.

oh geez not this girl again…besides the world is suppose to end in 2012 anyway so what difference does it make

even if that did happen, it would only effect the people who had those ISP’s for providers

its like if verizon said “you cant call france AT ALL, unless you pay a $100 connection fee”

does sprint then have to follow the same rule just because verizon said so ?

edit: video is much less painfull to watch if you just pause it on her tits

haha dont worry. I got that SP reference.