No signals

My signals arn’t working on either side. The 4 ways work, but when i go to signal right or left, there is nothing. I replaced the signals assembly in the steering column, and it didn’t help. Is there a relay somewhere that i am not aware of that i could have fried? Any suggestions on what it might be?

ya theres a flasher under the dash somewhere, should fix your problem, and theyre like $15.

if you cant find the flasher, since your 4ways work you can turn on your 4way flashers and then listen for the clicking noise, should lead you to the flasher

Hurray thank you ill let you know how it goes, do i just get it from Nissan or can i get it somewhere else for cheaper?

i got one from crappy tire was $15

Anyone know specifically where the flasher is located? I took a look but couldnt see it, rather know if im just not looking in the right place rather than pulling everything apart right away.

On my 180 its under the drivers side knee panel up against the firewall somewhere. I think it should be the same on your car just on your drivers side. Its a 3 pin one too, just so you know if you got the right one.