No volume with new TW HD/DVR box?


fuck this, get me TW on the phone, i want this other box that has hdmi -> hdmi connections

audio still isnt working with just the audio plugged in, only works when i plug in everything with component cables…and that just looks horrid

any truth to what the installer told me? about how i can just go to the local TW center and swap out for the newer box?


Yup, I did it with my old 8000; have had the 8300 for a while now…

Worked fin up until a couple days ago… now my audio is acting strangely; I get a loud beeeeeeppppp every once in a while through the system (Toslink connection to the receiver)

what blows is that now i don’t have another day off until tuesday…ugh, don’t want to wait that long to get a new box…

Uh you can drop the box off and swap it, you don’t need to wait for a tech to come out. There is an office on Maple. Just take it in and ask for a 8300.

I believe that office is open til 7… you still can make it.

i never said i was waiting for a tech…only thing i was waiting to hear from them was why i had no volume…

you have no volume because the DVI protocol does not support an audio channel

right, picked up on that earlier, never knew that…


what blows is that now i don’t have another day off until tuesday…ugh, don’t want to wait that long to get a new box…


Hey I can schedule you in on Tuessday!! You probably already paid cable though, huh?

lol, i told you it would end up being cheaper for me to go this route after the fight i got into with verizon over dsl and fios


why are you using DVI? is your box a 8300 HD? all of them should use HDMI

if your running DVI run a pair of red/white audio to your TV input, your tv will have a provision for this… to run DVI-hdmi and bring in seperate anaolg sound

your TV will not have ANY differance in soudn quality using red/white audio vs the “digital” audio that is with HDMI… TRUST me your tv speakers suck and the amp sucks you will NOT hear the differance, you wont loose any surround sound cuz its a stereo tv

your television shoudl NOT look like shit with component cables… something else is wrong… 9/10 it is the fact that
A) you hooked the RF cable into the television as well and are not looking at the component input but in fact the RF cable
B) the box is NOT setup to output HD, press the guide/info buttons on the box itself at the same time and follow the onscreen setup for HD.

give me a call and ill walk u through this

DVI does not support Audio, you need separate rca connections for that. Best thing you can do right now is switch to DirecTV.
EDIT: I didn’t read any other posts before posting that. I see this has already been discussed. But seriously get rid of TW and go with satellite.


DVI does not support Audio, you need separate rca connections for that. Best thing you can do right now is switch to DirecTV.


some one didnt read the entire thread…:smash2:

Close this thread, he got his box.



why are you using DVI? is your box a 8300 HD?


lol, you definitely didnt read the first line where i said they gave me the 8000 box but the installer told me to go right to TW tomorrow and swap it for the 8300, which is tomorrows plan

and as far as everyone saying go DirecTV, meh…my father has it and im not thrilled with it…besides, i got into a huge pissing match with verizon when i was GOING to go with dish over a price for DSL and/or FiOS…once that happened, the only other way to get web in my area was TW/RR, and it saved a ton of money to go with the cable package…plus i got them to discount my monthly rate a ton by saying i was a current dish subscriber :mamoru:

and for those that keep saying “how much cheaper” dish is, i’ll scan and post up my math sheet on “how much cheaper” dish plus some other source of internet is…ended up being MORE expensive on a larger scale once all the rebates expired…

I didn’t go dish because it was cheaper, I went dish because it works. Have fun when the Sabres games start and TW keeps forgetting to switch MSG from the NYC feed to the Buffalo feed. Nothing like watching 30 minutes of “inside the knicks” while listening to the sabres on shitty AM radio.

Or when you 8300 keeps locking up and TW just keeps swapping it out for another 8300 that keeps locking up.

so now that ive got the new box and the volume works, how do i get the non-HD channels to stay in fullscreen/stretch?


so now that ive got the new box and the volume works, how do i get the non-HD channels to stay in fullscreen/stretch?


you dont…

i mean there are ways… but why strech it on your dlp

typically it is a TV setting, at least that is what comcast told me about mine

the 8300 is actually a really good box, you will not have the freezing problems, I have had three different one at different locations, never an issue, plus sata support is sweet.

be happy you do not get the motorola boxes that we get down here, they fucking blow