No wonder Erie County is always out of money...

Little late, yes I know, I wasn’t around really at all this past week. But it’s been stewing and pissing me off all week.

Monday morning, there was a LIGHT dusting of snow on the roads. Like, the kind of snow that blows away when you drive over it, and you could still see the road completely.

So I am on my way to work at 11am, out on Center St, in Colden, in the middle of fucking nowhere with no other cars ANYWHERE on the road.

And I come up on a County snowplow, yellow light on, and SALTING the road.

Does the county really have no consideration for money that they will pay for plowing and salting when it’s not icy nor is there even measurable snow on the ground? On a road that maybe saw 25-50 cars over the course of an hour?

They are constantly salting sanding roads in that area.
That is why you need a winter car in the southtowns.
I know that some people that live up north don’t get it but it sucks driving those roads everyday.
The irony is that the wind has been blowing on Center street for the last million years but the county can’t seem to figure out that HUGE drifts form even when it is NOT snowing!!!
They are good at throwing money all of the road but don’t have a clue about wind/nature.

Clear cut ridges on a north-south route in the snowbelt is possibly the most retarded idea ever. A row of evergreens would do wonders on making that road much safer.

But seriously, what is the deal with them salting when there isn’t any ice, slick roads, or measurable snow? It’s completely absurd.

not only that, but the NYS law makers are voting themselfs a raise and we’re getting a tax raise as a result. (big supprise)… I do feel bad for them though… only 79K a year to live on is chump change :biglaugh:

I guess their pay isn’t performance based…