Nocturnal Nights! 7/6????

I completely agree here. The main problem is nobody is taking charge. If you see someone doing burnouts or flying around, SAY SOMETHING TO THEM!!! If this is going to be known as a Pittspeed event maybe there should be someone there every friday to keep things under control. We have a ton of people watching all our posts to make sure nothing stays that shouldn’t so why not do the same for events??? If Whitey or Starboy or whoever is reading this please consider maybe putting someone in charge every week if none of you are going to be there. Don’t take this as me running my mouth or trying to tell you how to do things. I’m just trying to help with some ideas like everyone else.


some people already have
victor smalls did as a few others have.
a lot of times it is not even people with the car cruise either. seems like some drunk ass coming from bar doing lot of the stupid crap too

I did it out of my hate for rice :slight_smile: Those kid looked at me like “who the fuck is this asshole telling me what to do?” IMO the people or person in charge should be the person to boot fuckers out. I know the guy from streetheaters went over to the guy and said something to him, but I have no idea what was said.

If this is gonna be a Pittspeed meet and we want it to last then I would like to see it get strict. Any bullshit and your out.

Don’t even get me started on the kids standing on the running boards and laying on the roof of the Chevy SUV driving around the lot. If they can get away with that this week they will be ghost ridin the whip through the lot next week :slight_smile:

Then maybe we should have our section roped off or something and try a lil harder to keep the drunks out. I’m not saying nobody does anything, just saying we can always try a lil harder to make it fun and safe for all of us.

No matter what is done, they will always be there. It’s good to have an organized meet, but still, the ricer kids, and the stupid people on the SUV kill these events.

That’s a shitty attitude. All it takes is someone to take control and throw people out. I’m all for people getting booted for acting like a bunch of kids.

It may be a shitty attitude, but it is true. I’ve been down at the strip, the stadiums, etc, where these people come out of nowhere and ruin a event. What do you think happened to the car cruise that happened at QSL out in Robinson?

we should just whoop some fucking ass.

You are correct. It would take armed guards to keep the trash out of a meet.

well everyone can try. just make this event last as long as we can. just set foot now and keep people in check within reason. hopefully some of hte ricers read the comments. but this event is still at beginning stages so each week we can try to make it better.

Ricers are going to be ricers. Idiots are going to be idiots (as if that isn’t one in the same.) I agree with yamaha. If someone pulls some stupid shit or stunts, kick them out.

I would love to see this event be successful, but the riff raff gotta go. Too many ricers, stunters, & junkers were there last night.

If it weren’t for the few good Pittspeed members that I ran into, It would have been a wasted trip last night.

Its going to be hard to self police this lot as most idiots wont give a fuck about some random asshole yelling at them bc they have their boys with them.

Seriously the cops should just drive around the lot, i wouldnt care, hell I would shoot the shit with them if they came over. At least when the cop was driving around retardation dropped 100%.

It’s still a Pittspeed function. Rules will make a difference.

lets give guffey (solowextreme) a golf cart and a stun gun and tell him to keep the idiots out

In that case we’re going to need alot of Kolars to help out next week.

Dont underestimate stupid people in large crowds

maybe its the no0bs on herre u guys bash & talk shit on,getting back at yuins!!!:kekegay:

I know what yamaha is talking about and I agree Ive seen how it starts turning to a circus, but who has power just to ask to actually kick them out?

Im sure they will respond to rather large indivituals with just STAFF shirts on… or Cops(this would involve paying probably).