Nocturnal Nights! 7/6????

This is just stupid. It’s a pittspeed function. That gives us the right to have rules and if people want to join us they’re just going to have to follow them. You are all a bunch of punks if you’re so scared of a few 17year old kids. There are rules on this site that are strictly enforced so somebody grow some damn balls and quit crying. I’m one of the smallest guys there but I’m still not scared to throw some punk kids out for doing dumb shit. If nobody can enforce any rules then just give up and let it end before someone does something really dumb and ends up hitting someone or a car.

No one said anything about being scared, its the fact that most people wont listen when their with a group of their friends. If you want to start enforcing rules, then come up with a plan, talk to whitey and starboy about it.

i think it comes down to this

OGs > noobs

Hey bottom line is the bigger the crowd the more show offs

I’m not aiming this towards any of you guys. The point is we all know something needs to be done and it seems like everyone wants to give up before anything is figured out. I personally would like to help out in any way I can. I’m going to talk to Whitey or Starboy about everything I’ve said in this post so hopefully things get solved. Sorry for coming off like a dick about this thing but I’m just frustrated that this is such a new event and it’s already going bad. This can easily be fixed so I give my word that one of us will post the plan as soon as there is one.


I would like to plan ahead with the guys I know to park together so at least we don’t have them scattered through all of us.

x2 that sounds like a good idea to me

:bigthumb: :stupid:

Figured I would come in and cry in this thread too :slight_smile:


That’s the only way I see myself going to this. Even though I really haven’t met most of you all yet, I’m not risking being around the morons who don’t have the brains momma gave them, and I’d want to be sure I’m parked in a group of the sane folks from pittspeed.
What about printing a “RULES” flyer that is handed out upon entry, with the stipulation that the folks running the show can and will kick you out. Put those important people in easily recognizable shirts. And be sure those people enforce everything.
Just a thought.
I can’t risk some nutjob drifting in to my car, or being profiled as I pulling or out by cops who would lump my car in with the ricer crowd half my age.
Personally, I don’t mind having a cop there. As long as they aren’t trying to harass those of us just there to chill and show our cars, I’m sure a cop’s presence would not be a bad thing.

The cops were taking plate numbers down of all our cars. Pulling people over as they were leaving too.

its not like pittspeed can do much. its a private lot used for parking to the boardwalk also.

you would have to get the parking lot attendants to do something

As I said before, rope our section off. Have someone watch who comes in.

I’d like to get in on that. I don’t want to be stuck out back with the mis-matched body kits and wanksters, either.

That’s what I mean… I wouldn’t mind cop presence, but not if they’re doing that.
Bottom line is unless there is a good set up and plan of people from here grouping together, I’m not up for going down there and risking something stupid happening. I thought it was more controlled; I didn’t realize the lot is used by others as well. There should be a roped off area once the attendant is paid, and fliers with “house rules” handed out to gain entrance to the roped off section.

the cops cant just sit there and wait for u to leave the lot and give u tickets.thats entrapment u can get them in trouble for that

how the hell are you going to rope off a section of a public parking lot?

besides, Pittspeed and Street Heaters both jointly host the event. not just pittspeed.

why dont you go rope it off and give us a call when you’re done and we’ll all come park in that section

2 or 3 weeks ago when I was out there that half of the lot was roped off. You people do nothing but bitch every time someone tries to help out making things better. If any of you think you can do better then start doing something.

I’ve been to TONS of car shows where the lots are roped off. TONS. They used to do it at the QSL one in Robinson, they do it at one out here in West Mifflin. I think if you pick the far back corner of a lot it shouldn’t be hard to rope it off.