Nocturnal Nights! 7/6????

This is depressing…:squint:

well either way, douchebags are a part of life. there’s no end to them

The only way a problem like this continues on is when people like you who don’t care to fix it are part of things. Bitch and whine about how there’s no hope somewhere else. It’s a simple fix that just takes a few rules and some people to make sure they are followed. Drop the shit and let the people who care to fix things try what they can. If nothing works then you can say whatever you want about me or anyone else trying to help.


  1. We try to rope the lot off. We are not getting cooperation with the parking lot attendants in this matter.

  2. I will find out about the cops.

  3. I was hoping people would better police themselves. I guess they need baby sitters now to tell them right from wrong.

  4. This is a big event, larger then initially expected. We are trying to work through these growing pains. I don’t think this event will continue to go on unless changes are made.

  5. I will work with starboy and street heaters to get the necessary changes made to make this show better. Just work with us here, its only the 3rd week into the event.

  6. I will find out about the police. It is private property and police are permitted. Running your plates is nothing illegal. Either way, I will talk to the police if they come down next week.

thanks for the comments and for attending the show. just please stay calm while we work out some kinks in the program. There has been alot going on in the background and this show is becoming more work then it is fun. Be patient and changes will happen.
