noise when breaking

well i recently installed 3mm spacers to my front wheels bcus they wouldn’t clear my breaks- so i did and they cleared now that I’ve driven it it makes noise under hard breaking and also when moving slowly but at high speeds its fine. any ideas?

maybe you need new brake pads and its the sqiler kicking in letting you no

noo its not that kinda noise…um how can i explain it…its more of a deeper like woo woo noise

i still have to take a look at it to see any rubbing marks but b4 i do i thougt id get some ideas first…

Check that all your lug nuts are tight, sounds stupid, but you’re running spacers, it’s possible that they might’ve come loose and what you’re hearing is the rim moving around.

nope…i had that problem actually 2 days ago my front right wheel lugs were loose and i could hand tighten them…lol…the sound is different so i know exactly what ur talking about the differences is if its loose lugs u will hear like a click when u do a full stop and when u begin to go.