North Buffalo Double 3/3

Looking to buy 1-2 more doubles in North Buffalo. Nothing to my interest has been hitting the market so I figured I would post here as I know a few speeders own in the area. If you are on the fence looking to upgrade or relocate let me know and we can maybe work a deal.

PM me if you or someone you know would be interested in selling.



there was one on my street for sale… 300 year old italian couple that kept it lookin tight and have been there forever…kitchen and everything was updated i believe…on hartwell 4-5 houses in from delaware? id check on that seems nice

God damn eye-ties. I bet they have a spare living room with plastic on the damn sofas.

Link? Not seeing it on zillow


FGGT, I can has doubles? I am holding 1550 shares of HBC that I’m waiting to turn into down payments!

Market is really tough right now over here. Anything decent is selling high enough that there is hardly anything to be made on it monthly. The ~130k ones are just not worth my time or aggravation.

I would gladly pay 150k per for a well maintained double right now. So someone PM me and lets doit!

Shoulda jumped on that one we looked at in the spring, even though it was a couple blocks too far down.

It is still listed IIRC

I am going to view 28 crestwood in the morning…and 106 depew ave :slight_smile:

Couple houses down the street.

Willing to deal with your future tenants for a nominal fee.

Yeah I wish they would post interior pics. I have been looking at it.

I’m pretty sure RealtyUSA has removed all of their listings from zillow, so that could be why you don’t see it on there.


You take a look at that brick jobby forsale on north park? I think it’s half way between Tacoma and Hertel.

Yes. They are asking 265k. Not interested

I want to call and see if it is a typo lol



It says 5br but 3 apts. 3/2/1 if I had to guess and could very well rent for 2100-2300 total so realistically there is still money to be made(on a 30yr term; yuck). Maybe I will go have a look but doubt I would be interested in anything over 180k and that would be if it was real nice.

I would bet the market cools off in the winter as it typically does and I can grab a few really nice doubles for ~150

Good to see demand is high in the area. I think much of it has to do with everything going on Hertel, lots of new shops, restaurants popping up all the time.

On my block almost all the units are owner occupied, it makes a huge difference in the neighborhood. People actually take care of their property. Im glad the few units that did go up for sale did not get bought up by investors. One sold this yr and if zillow is correct they paid 137k. It was never listed on the market so I’m not sure if that is a realistic price. Another one sold in 2011 that looked nice for 178k.

OMG… That’s stupid. (N. Park home)

I’m in the market as well, but let the desperate have those.

My friend who I live with. He purchased his house on North Park for around 140k. Which looks so much nicer than the one we’re discussing.

I was hoping to get pm from you :slight_smile: In the winter there were still some great deals to be had. I agree with the owner occupied and even as an investor non occupied at this point I am still only interested in nice properties that I will continue to maintain.

Part of it is just how low interest rates are right now. It really has pulled a ton of new buyers into the market IMO

150K for a double??? You better be getting 1K/mo on each side I hope. Please reconsider drew.