North Koreans feel pity for a modern day Americans

Man Obama really did it this time. American life is terrible :rofl

I don’t know about you, but the birds I ate on Tuesday was yummy! :rofl

Hahahaha wow

OMFG HAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Apparently we eat and drink snow and birds lolll.

Is that even America? It looks like a European country where it was filmed.

American streets often disguised as cities in europe…

BTW, Tuesday birds ftmfw!

17 Views…including shift

Yes. Birds only on Tuesday. Snow the other six days. Even in Las Vegas in July.

That video makes me want to go get some KFC actually, damn…

I’m going to get Taco Bell.

If it’s views you’re after here is the same video with 50,000 views

Also some news articles on the matter

Another on the actual video

Translation is fake, video is real.

“This is how they live in modern day America. Grouped together the poor, the cold, the lonely, the homosexual.” Lol

this reminds me of one sided biased info. i am sure the videos the usa makes about north korea is biased too.

but i laughed alot. hope thats not my future