Northway facing 'intolerable' future

sounds like a back pedal to me! hahahaha Or its not how you explained it initially.


Dont put me in your lazy group! LOL I am in the right lane at all times unless I am passing people. I even play that dick when its just me and one lone car in the middle. Ill aproach on the right. move to the middle, move over to the left, pass, then middle and back. then when i am in the driving lane again ill give my hazards a single flash to say “move over dumb fucker”. :rofl

It doesnt matter if there are a million mergers in 5 miles. if there is open lane space out your right hand window, you should be in it. I dont like having to stop at stop signs doing down city streets becasue a bunch in a row so is it ok if I just dont stop? nope. You gotta do what you gotta do on the road.

And again, those people that cant get the concepts of an on/off ramp make it hard (I understand your concept the way you said it above about keeping constant speeds under given conditions like that) for the rest of the traffic to flow. It again, boils down to lazy people who dont care to follow directions, aka proper yielding techniques, so now it screws up everyone else and starts the chain reaction.

If people were a bit more considerate in the driving lane, coming up to mergers, when they have the ability to move over to help someone get on easier thats one thing, but legally its up to the person making the merge who should yield to traffic. AKA if there isnt room to do it, to fucking bad, the ramps are long for a reason, learn how to use them properly.