Oh, shut up. The both of you. You or I will never master any bike 100% and if you say you have, you’re full of it. Maybe if your last name is Stoner or Rossi. I spent every day, just about, on that thing and did 3,9xx miles in under 3 months. Am I a master? No. Do I feel comfortable on A bike at this point (especially the 300)? Absolutely. If I hadn’t crashed this bike, the plan was to at least ride next season on it again. But since it’s likely done/gonna cost a boat load to fix and since the future (which initially was a few years down the road) had me getting a 600 ANYWAY, if I do get on a bike in the spring, it’ll just be a 600 instead of spending money AGAIN on another 300 which will only get sold down the line. Screw off and get off your high horse. Also, for the record, I don’t think many of you would have made it out of that corner unscathed. Someone (FD?) cleaned it up as I went to look again today and it’s much cleaner, but at night coming around a corner it would have caught every single one of you by surprise and most of you would have had the same result or close to it. I was shooting for the grass, but simply didn’t make it. If I had gotten it to the grass and not have gone airborne/gotten separated from it…I likely would have rode it home and this thread wouldn’t even exist.