Not a matter of if, but when - destroyed my bike

wow thats kinda nuts, but ive never really looked into prices on new bikes, id never buy a new car let alone a new bike and watch my investment just drop in price as soon as i sign the paper work for it,

I prefer to buy big or small things new…I like knowing it’s history. But, it was cheap enough (and insurance was cheap enough to get epic amounts of coverage) that I’m hardly losing anything on it other than 3 months of insurance premiums ($90), $150 deductible, $900 on value (not bad seeing as I rode it for 4,000 miles), and gas. So all in all, I’m only ‘losing’ like $1,400. For the amount of fun I had (and the fact that I didn’t spent a crap load on gas most of the summer for the car which is a thirsty beast)…I think I did quite well so to speak.

yea if u look at it that way and you totaled it before it was even a year old so the value of it didnt go down much, when i buy things i dont plan on crashing them (not saying u did) but with my track record ive held on to things for a while and its just not worth it to me to buy new, and flip out if i scratch it or bump it, and i cant leave anything alone i have to make it my own so i dont want to cut up something new either