wrecked the bike.........

yup i wrecked my bike on saturday on my way to work. somebody thought it would be a good idea to make a left hand turn over double yellow lines, so the car in front of me hit their brakes and then i hit mine but i started to slide. i let go of the brakes to swerve to the right to miss them but a car was right beside me so i basically bailed off the bike and it slid right into the back bumper of the car in front of me. i log rolled down rt. 30 for about 20 ft. luckily all i got was some road rash and a slightly sprained neck. thank god for me having on all my equipment. my helmet never touched the ground! not a scratch on it. but here are some pics of the bike.


def. sucks. luckily it laid down on the left side so it didnt mess up the exhaust. they did more damage to it i think taking it out from under the guys bumper then the actual accident!!

damn, glad you’re alive to post about it though.

sorry to hear George… didnt you wreck the 500 too? If so you better stay away from those things!

haha no that was my brother. i’ll more than likely be getting a new one but who knows

damn glad you are ok

lol ok good… glad to hear your ok! Your wife kick your ass yet for scaring the shit out of her?

That sucks, but glad you are ok.

Glad to hear you’re ok, George.

That’s the only thing I hate about my bike…the other people on the road.

glad your ok!!!

Not too many bike accident lately ending with good results…Glad your did!!

Your bike can be replaced…but you cant!

with more and more people buying bikes i think its only gonna get worse…glad to see ur ok thou, your a little luckier than me.

sorry to hear George…

First off, Glad you are OK. It could have been a lot worse. Good thing you had all your equipment on, I am sure that helped a lot.

But reading how it happened I can’t understand how it happened. Were you riding the car in front of you ass? Bike usually stop a lot quicker than cars and if you were riding at a safe distance behind him then you should have been ok. Did you hit some loose stuff on the pavement? Not trying to be a dick or anything…just trying to understand how it happened.

i wasnt tailgating i was probably a good 35ft behind the guy, but he abruptly hit his brakes and i hit mine but i grabbed the front brake a little much and i started to slide. i let go of the brake because was goin to pass on the right but i couldnt because a car was beside me. i didnt have enough room to slow down b4 the car so i bailed. he i jumped off i was probably 15 ft away from the car. i was goin 40-45mph tops, those intersections are impossible to speed thru

I see…I never rode on the street. I ride dirtbikes and know if you grab too much front brake that front end can wash out very easy on dirt.

definatly same concept on a street bike

sorry to hear man. thats why i ride a vtx1800 i would do more damage to a car then i think my grand am would :slight_smile:

hope you have full coverage.

Sorry to hear that George, glad you’re alright.