Must be bad alignment of the cosmos or something. Jays, Justins, Travis-tee’s, Byrons motor possibly showing a little age, and now Poor Rick Greenwood who’s going to be searching for a new block. Comps 120/92/90/30 with appropriate LD %'s, coolant up in the intake manifold and reference lines to the bypass valve and boost gauge.
Cylinder #2
Cylinder #3
Cylinder #4
This is why these motors such for aggressive tuning. FYI block built but the “pros” down at Gruppe S :nuts
I’d have to see it myself to make any call like that. REally depends on how hot that motor got during the torch display. Not saying it did, but a big hot fire can temper aluminum pretty bad and make it brittle (heads, case halves, etc) :sad However the guts of it are sure to be sound and sell-able. Not to mention the hassle of cleaning it up to make it look like it wasn’t in such a bad fire. Might want to just consider gutting it and selling teh entire rotating assembly. Maybe clean up the heads and sell those as whole units. I dunno, guess it all depends on how bad it really is…pm your way in a minute.
There’s various reasons that could have caused this to happen but SHOCKER … it’s not that uncommon in these motors unfortunately.
I didn’t expect to be pushing this car out the door tomorrow as quickly as I pushed it in today. It’s gonna be sitting here for awhile yet. Byron and Rick are going to meet me down at the machine shop tomorrow so I’m sure Rick will appreciate this to no end…especially since the guy has nothing to transpo on except his Harley
Wonder if it’s too late to convince Rick to shoehorn and M64 into the car :ponder ???