not so new n00b

Nice car dude, wheels aside, haha. I know what you mean by good old days at BTC and everywhere else back “then.” It certainly is not the same now…

whatsup man, its jay ( had the black 3000gt and the red 240sx back in the ubrf days) welcome aboard :slight_smile:

CHRIS!!! whats up man? good to see you found your way on here finally.

Hey, welcome man!

All I remember about you is: “Yeah… she has a nice back…” LOL

Oh lol, i miss a lot of them

do it again :slight_smile:

what up!

haha well i’m glad you remember that because i sure don’t

Joe’s place in ellicottville…

oh snap! i had completely forgotten about that. that’s actually really funny:hitit:

and what’s up jay? yeah that 3000 was nice…until you threw that rod

was sup



hey, welcome! :wave:

welcome, see ya at nopi