Not that I would want anyone on here to own this (except me)

Check this monsterous sleeper out! :

Nice, thats a great setup. I would rock that out.

Holy fuckin huge turbo batman!

what a great setup man

thread title is a lie. i have messages that prove that

good lord!

Car is THE definition of sleeper!

as long as its not running. because that thing has got to be LOUD.

He mentioned on motorgeek that its not all that bad. Something about the aluminum piping acting as a muffler or some nonsense.

still cant imagine a 4inch exhaust being too quiet. but yeah the aluminum absorbs the noise more compared to steel.

Do wantt!!

Such a bad ass car


A 4294 seems gigantic & over kill, no? How well would that spool on that motor?

The guy said the lag isnt that bad.

selling M for that


Do want. Almost makes me miss the pile that was my S4.

that turbo would suck up some cp!

would rock.

W0W…low miles on the build too
lol @ 1.00 a/r

I want it so bad