Not your every day junkyard trip.

**Everyone who needs parts send me a PM with a list. **

Im Going to harry’s U pull, in PA. Monday March 2nd. Juuuuuuuuuuuuust in case you didnt know,

“All the parts here are $100 or less,”
AND it houses
10,000 cars on Harry’s lot and about 400 on the full-service Kress Auto Wreckers lot.

Im going for a mass amount of parts. No one local really has everything i need/want. There prices are redic, cheap.

Basic info:

  • $2.00 Admission

  • All of the vehicles are easily accessible.

  • All locations offer wagon and hand truck rentals.

  • All locations have engine hoists for easy removal and loading of engines.
    The Rules

  • Sorry, No Credit Cards or Checks Accepted. Cash Only.

  • You must be 18 years or older with proper ID to enter Harry’s. 16 and 17 year olds are welcome when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and must have a photo ID.

  • Bring your tools, and ONLY your tools. No car parts are permitted in the yard. All parts should remain outside. Prior to purchasing a part, you will be allowed to get your old part to match it up.

  • No jacks are permitted, as all parts are easily accessible.

  • No torches or compressors are permitted.

  • Sandals or open toe shoes are not permitted.

  • Alcohol is not permitted in the yard.

  • Harry’s reserves the right to deny admission to anyone.

  • All parts are sold “as is.” There are no exchanges, returns, or refunds.

If ANYONE wants to go, List your name!

And i’d like to give a big FUCK YOU to Willams junkyard who wanted 100 dollars for a s13 interior door panal

**Everyone who needs parts send me a PM with a list. **

i’m down if they have rwd cad/caprice parts.

参丹散结胶囊简介 主要成份 : 本方由人参、生黄芪、白术、鸡内金、栝蒌、清半夏、厚朴、枳壳、郁金、丹参、全蝎、蜈蚣组成。 功能主治 : 理气化痰、活血行瘀,用于治疗肺癌、胃、肠癌以及乳腺癌、宫颈癌、卵巢癌等妇科肿瘤,能有效抑制肿瘤的扩散和转移,改善肿瘤引起的不适症状。本品为国家级中药新药,全国独家产品。享有国家行政保护期 5 年。用法用量 : 口服,每日 3 次,每次 6 粒。 注意事项 : 密封,置阴凉干燥、儿童不易触及处。 价格: (厂家指定北京唯一销售药房) 北京地区专供大包装(96粒装):6盒/疗程,优惠活动咨询:010-51295178小包装(48粒装):280元/盒,12盒/疗程(48粒装为全国通用包装)参丹散结胶囊简介: 参丹散结胶囊是在多年的临床验方基础上,经科学的提取加工制备而成的中药制剂,具有 “ 祛邪、扶正、减毒增效、升白 ” 之功效。经中国中医研究院附属医院、中日友好医院、湖南省中医研究院附属医院、湖南省肿瘤医院、山东大学齐鲁医院、辽宁省肿瘤医院、青岛大学医学院附属医院临床试验。结果表明,参丹散结胶囊对肺癌、胃肠癌、乳腺癌有明显的的治疗效果,合并化疗具有改善肺癌、乳腺癌与胃肠癌中医脾虚痰瘀证候的作用,并可提高的化疗疗效(瘤体缓解率),提高化疗病人的生 活质量,提高 NK 活性细胞和 T 细胞亚群的 CD4/CD8 的比值的作用,对化疗中的白细胞降低有一定的保护作用。提示参丹散结胶囊是适用于中晚期癌症的治疗药物。 参丹散结胶囊源于祖传秘方经多年临床验方改良,凝聚了几代人的心血而逐步形成。参丹散结胶囊对中医治疗肿瘤的四大基本法则进行融会贯通,取其精华,去其糟粕,旨在找到一种能适合绝大多数肿瘤患者的妙方,减轻患者的痛苦,帮助癌症患者早日摆脱病魔的折磨,重新过上幸福的生活。 产品实力:七家著名医院临床验证! 参丹是在众多专家名医多年临床总结的基础上研制开发的治疗肿瘤的特效药, 2004 年 11 月 15 号颁布生产批文,属国药准字,国家中医新药,具有见效快,效果明显,无任何毒副作用,服用简单的特点,是目前诸多治疗肿瘤药品中的一枝新秀。 参丹散结胶囊对肿瘤患者化疗减毒增效的随机对照多中心临床试验研究是由 中国中医研究院,青岛医学院附属医院,中日友好医院、山东齐鲁医院,湖南省中医药研究院附属医院,湖南省肿瘤医院,辽宁省肿瘤医院 等七家著名医院共同完成。参丹散结胶囊康复病例:患者:顾某 男 61岁 因气急、咳嗽、间歇性痰血一月入院。体检:神清,浅表淋巴结无病理性肿大,两肺未闻及干、湿罗音。中医辨证分型:舌质红,苔中剥,脉细孺,证属气阴两虚。实验室检查:胸片示:右侧第二、三前肋内带可见6×4.5cm2大小块影,密度欠均,边缘呈分叶状及小毛刺,胸部CT示:右肺上叶中央型肺癌T2N2MOⅢa期,纤支镜检查发现:隆突近右总支气管后内壁见一菜花样新生物阻塞管腔、表面高低不平、充血、肿胀,支气管刷检涂片找到鳞型癌细胞。血常规检查红细胞、血小板轻度降低,肝、肾功能属正常范围。免疫指标:NK为28.2%,IL-2为16.8pg/ml,CD3+774%,CD4+43%,CD8+30%,CD4+/ CD8+1.43:1。入院后予参丹散结胶囊配合清肺散结丸治疗后三个月,辅以抗炎、解痉平喘、止血药物治疗。患者气急、咳嗽明显好转,痰血消失。舌质转淡红,舌苔较前增多,脉象恢复正常。复查胸片示:右上肺块影约3×2.5 cm2大小,疗效PR。红细胞,血小板有不同程度升高。各项免疫指标升高,体重增加1公斤,出院后门诊随访。

Any newer model cars there?

i think theres a lot JUST for 2000+

Look on that site, its somewhere in there

i’m interested. any 5 series stuff there?

Pete (or anyone) - If you go and find E36s, I want stuff and will pay you to bring it home.

okay. i’ll have an m3 roller here in a few hours. buy it.

No room. At least for purple. :smiley:

Need spare parts to keep in the trailer:
Rad, rad hoses, M3 bumper, nose panels, fenders, driveshafts, LSD diffs, etc

dude its a roller, you can paint it. there is no rust at all on it.

Sounds like a cool place.

Want to see if theyve got any 17" aluminum wheels for an '04+ F150 4x4?

all the latemodel cars go to Kress wich is right next door… I got all of my KA’s from Harrys… They have engine hoists and whatnot that you can rent… The place is huge, they close at 4PM, You really need to spend a whole day there, so if youre going there from up here… Leave your house at 5am

And the specials for this month are…

Im buying another DOHC. just because there 75! lol

aww this is feb only… :frowning:

And it says theres 3 locations. which one has the nissans… i didnt know they had 3. i went to one a while ago.

Looks like a sick place. I wonder what they use to have all the vehicles elevated? That would be like 40000 jack stands if thats what they used lol. Or 20000 ramps:lol

Hazleton is the biggest Junkyard in the world. The other 2 they own are average size junkyards… As far as knowing what is where, they are all hit and miss just like any other junkyard… Out of the 3 they own, i usually go to the Hazleton yard

Hazleton it is!

Probably old wheels or metal barrels

Usually all the backs of the cars are on the ground and the front is sitting on old wheels