It won’t hurt in any way shape or form to start small and then move up.
The only thing will be hurt is the ego of the riders who started big who think they can ride until you pass them on a smaller bike. (not in a straight line of course).
I’m not sure if you read any of the stickies uptop but some of the benefits include
- Cheaper start up cost
- Cheaper insurance
- Much faster learning curve
- Don’t care if you drop it.
- Much better resale value.
- Much safer bet to start small.
- Less to worry about and to be concerned about, more concentration on learning and avoiding stupid drivers.
- Cheaper tires
- Much more relaxed riding position
- You won’t “look as cool”
- You will most likely want to upgrade within after a season
- You will get your balls busted
- You will ride with people that will go 150mph on the highway and leave you behind. Not the people you should ever ride again with.