NOW its locked.

i have to set something straight

sasha said:

so I guess this is what I get for helping you on your car eh Ty?

Give me my lower harness back. And plug in your SR harness without wiring it. buy motegi’s and just weld a muffler on your stock exhaust. cut your springs and dont worry about getting new shocks. afterall that is what you wanted to do before I stepped in to fix your ricer status.

Who told you to get D2s? Right… im sure it was you… you wanted them all along… since you were 3 years old playing with hot wheels.

I’ve never met you? I know you better than anyone else on this board except adam and puse, and they both think the EXACT SAME THING ABOUT YOU! What does that say? Everyone in the world is blind, or you’re blind? Lets look at the odds:

1 out of 6 billion you’re right
6 billions out of 1 i’m right

get over yourself rich boy.

i’ve never EVER considered cutting my springs. I took your and jantos’ and EVERYONE’s advice and got D2’s. Im not a ricer. I didnt know i had to use part of my lower harness, but dont think your the only person i can go to for help.
i love how u jumped on the TM and pavel train and threw cheap shots at me without me mentioning you once in that MMTO thread.
dont ask me for advice on girls, or expect me to bring you to parties, or drive to barrie and pick you up in exchange for nothing anymore if your going to be an arrogant asshole like this.

why dont u call me next time, dont hide behind a computer.

hows ur denial scene?

im over it this could go on forever, arguing with ty is like arguing with a mirror

take it up in pm

and since this is gonna get locked anyways i might as well make it worthwhile with a FUNNY.



oh man thats custy

hahahaha sick

ok this is done, faaackkk it.

i’ll add one too…


oh my


and if you have a problem… TAKE IT UP IN FUKING PM