Now that doesn't look quite right! v.Ebay of the day

Looking for a new shift knob as I’ve worn through the leather on mine. Found this. They didn’t read the installation directions did they?

That is backwards isn’t it?

that’s super funny.

I had that exact shift knob on my 96 grand am. It was alright. But I must have mounted it wrong. Looking at the pic I had it 180°. :wink:

haha, some people should not install anything

Dude, everyone knows that is the correct way to install if you are a leet roll racer. The aerodynamics make the 2-3 shift much faster

The sad part is I looked at a few of their adds for different versions of the same knob (CF looking plastic) and they’re all that way.

lmao morons , buy it and put it on that way lol

What if they think it feels more comfortable that way? eh?

Its not a “directional” install for “working” reasons.

But LMAO. Idiots otherwise.

:lol: That orange Eclipse or w/e the hell it is is pretty cool looking too.

AHHAHAHHAA OMG SO STUPID…wait nevermind its this thread thats fucking stupid

whats even funnier is the test car for it is missing a deck in the din slot… no block plate haha

I was going to say the same thing…

Whats even funnier is that its a 240sx that its in…atleast it looks like one