Custom Shift knobs, let see them

Alright I am about to drop off some supplies to a Custom glass blower to have a shift knob blown, hardglass-pyrex.

Curious what others have for custm shift knobs…

I’m thinking skulls floating in the glass, with some frit-work

i want a clear and hollow dildo knob that i can put goldfish in.

put diamonds inside it!

i wouldn`t mind one where i can take it off and put it on my pimp stick

update bump.

this piece took my guy the better part of the day, and spent 1 evening in the kiln, to cool down since it has got to nearly weigh 1lbs, I will check the weight at another time.

it looks like a pipe for smokin’ tha tweeeedz.

i think it would be alot nicer without the weird shits hanging off of it, but that’s just me.

the soft cocks that are hanging off of it are gross. other than that it looks ok.

haha, thats what i thought, any chance of making a shift nob tht doubles as a bowl? haha, just fuckin round

^^^ why just fuckin’ around? that is actually a legit idea!

Delete this post b4 the ppl that ARNT ricers see this thread and flame the hell out of you, so far ur luck and only ricers gave this thread the time of day, save ur self what respect u may still have left and remove the thread.

How about you just break it cuz its so garbage?

Honestly i’m just saying what everyone is thinking i’m probably saving you from wasting a whole crap load of money the glass blower prlly takes so logn to make it because he cant stop laughing as hes about to blow into it and has to re heat it and start all over, like the bottom is brown and looks like shit getting flushed down a toilet.

sell ur car and go buy urself a civic, you earned it

Wow, nice opening post buddy… I wonder who you share an IP with…

So Darien, does the skull float in there? That would be cool.

that got out of hand real fast, yeah brick killed a guy

I’m down with a glass shifter/genie I can blast my meth with.

pretty sure I could buy more than just 1 civic if I were to sell this thing.

want to talk about rice, post up yours…

the glass shift knob isn’t the first my guy has made, the first went onto a VW hippie bus.

I’m waiting for flames, however something this unique dosen’t really require flaming…

I highly doubt I could break it, maybe chip it or fracture the tenticles, but it is solid glass.

also the pictures cannot do this piece the justice true sunlight does, the skull is a translucent emerald glass with gold/silver fume,

but hey if you feel so strongly about it, whats the point you are trying to make?

I think it looks sweet Darien. It also doubles as a grappling hook to get up on the roof of suckas who bash you.:wink:

you tell him batman

on a serious note, id worry about one of the tentacles impaling your hand and causing serious injury.

What’s so bad about civics?

Because everyone that drives a Civic is a ricer…

You fail, buddy.

based off a medevial anal torture device…

that’s pretty sweet, not for me, but still nice. i’d love just a round clear/white and black smoked shifter.