Now That 'Top Kill' Failed, How Do We Stop the Oil Leak?

Simple let Jalopnik come up with some outrageous ideas with humorous names and be glad at the fact that in NY we don’t have much coast to worry about.


So, “top kill,” BP’s last-ditch effort to seal up their oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, has failed. Now that our best chance for stopping the leak didn’t work, what’s next? And what sexy nickname will it have?

Well, “top kill” didn’t “kill” anything, except for our collective hope. BP announced this weekend that the procedure—which involved pumping drilling mud into the leaking well head—didn’t work, and BP Chief Operations Officer Doug Suttles says they “don’t know for certain” why it failed, which is, you know, extremely encouraging.

The awesomely-named “top kill” was supposed to be our best chance at stopping the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. So, what’s next up for the fun kids over at BP? We had some great ideas yesterday, but “the man” probably won’t ever implement them. Here are some of other options:

Lower Marine Riser Package Cap, or “LMRP Cap
What It Is: This is what BP is trying right now. Basically, it involves cutting off the pipe and putting a cap on it that will send the oil to a drill ship on the surface. If it actually works, “it will only contain a majority of the oil, and not the all of it.”
Suggested Sexy Name: Pipe Condom
New Relief Well

What It Is: BP will dig a new well next to the leaking well to intercept oil. This is the actual best way to stop the leak—it just takes a really long time to dig. BP has started the work, but it won’t be done until August, at which point there won’t be much of a Gulf of Mexico to save.
Suggested Sexy Name: The Undertaker

Junk Shot
What It Is: Literally what it sounds like: BP would use junk like golf balls, hair, and bits of tire to plug the leak. Think your sink after you haven’t done the dishes in a while, but on purpose.
Suggested Sexy Name: “Junk shot” is, you know, pretty “sexy” already.

Hot Tap
What It Is: Drill a hole in the pipe under the well and suck oil out of it. BP doesn’t seem to have the capabilities to pull it off, so it’s probably a no-go.
Suggested Sexy Name: Like “junk shot,” “hot tap” is already sort of explicit. Maybe “pipe hole,” or something?

Controlled Nuclear Explosion
What It Is: According to Russian daily Komsomoloskaya Pravda (helpfully translated by True/Slant’s Julia Ioffe), Russia used to nuke oil leaks, like, all the time. The idea is pretty simple: An enormous nuclear explosion will move the rocks around to block the leak. No way that could go wrong, right?
Suggested Sexy Name: Let’s Nuke the Fucker, Because Why the Hell Not?
[Pic via AP]

I personally like the :vlad idea. At least it would be entertaining and it would go viral on YouTube.

Oh FML, didn’t even hear about this

An ex navy seal or some SF type military personnel suggested a clever idea that was overturned abruptly. Send a concussion bomb down the pipe and detonate it, causing the pipe and well to collapse apon itself and self seal.

This whole ordeal is just a prime example of how we’ll eventually wipe ourselves out by our own hand.

Yeah thats the truth.

oh great idea. take the Russian’s advice on the proper use of Nuclear technology.

Cool tourist attraction guys!

you should see it!.. absolutely beautiful this time of year

would love to.

Simple Idea I have in my head. Say the outside dia of the leaky pipe is 20 feet in dia. take a 30 foot inside dia pipe with a colapsable boot at one end. send the bigger pipe down and slip it over the leaky pipe, (of course you need a big ass hose or keep adding to the 30 foot dia pipe in lenght to reach the surface) once it is over the leaky pipe, colapse the boot over the leaky pipe.

thats it.

its just like when your busting a nut, your little peeter is 3 inches in dia, and her mouth is 4 inches in dia, once it starts shootin she throws it in her mouth and closes her lips!

^ See sig :rofl

Vlad this is in the wrong section…

if it self seals then how are they gonna get oil out of it later???..they wanna be able to get the oil so they can keep making $$$$…its one fucked up situation…im sure someone lower on the totem pole knew the pipe could break and told the uppers, and instead of spending the $$ to fix it they gave each other, and their ceo’s big bonuses, and didn’t give a fuck what happened to the environment…this is the end of our planet…how long before 100% the worlds water supply is contaminated by oil??? then what…we all know our bodies are made of 90% water and w/o it we are all FUCKED!!!

Drill another well just like they’re doing now for the relief well.

ummmmmm, yeah, what Clark said… do the same thing they did to begin with that ultimately started this whole mess, drill another well into the reservoir :crazy

My idea is the best.

just saying

Where the oil will most likely end up

Live cam

Oh the irony at BP’s gas station
