NOW THIS is a Credit Card bill

Previous Balance: $31,333.35
Payment Activity: -$31,333.35
New Activity: $43,886.54
New Balance: $43,886.54

Due in full 6/24/06




what the ef is that all about?

and someones credit score is 900

waht did i tell u about putting the EVO on ur Credit Card…then buying a used 911 after u paid it off

AMEX…due in full @ the end of every month



mine looks kinda like that

but no due in full

nor does it have a 40K limit


I use my credit cards more like debit cards…i have really low limits…$500. lol… so i pretty much spend that in a week and then i just pay it off online. i make 2-4 online payments a month

thats not good for your credit.

Well I certainly feel better about my credit card debt. Thanks Joe! (Although I assume you have the ability to pay it in full at the end of the month, otherwise you wouldn’t have spent so much money on strippers.)

there’s no debt there…

Oh yeah and like I make that kinda money…I can’t even really imagine operating on that level

yes it is

whose bill is it?

lol Mine has $200 limit. I dont want it to kill me so I set it hella low.

thats what i did with my mastercard…i got a 5k limit and lowered it to $250…

mine isnt. i have a minimum ballance that i have to pay each month. but then again, i dont have a conventional AmEx card either.

Well that card is probably black, I would guess that your’s isn’t.

no i have the AmEx Blue one and i got some sort of deal cuz im a ‘student’ or something. whatever it works for me (all too well as some of u may have noticed by another thread i have posted hehe)


having a high line of available credit is a GOOD THING


and if you can pay off your credit on time, that’s a good thing - doesn’t matter how much you friggin’ spend, as long as you can pay it off. again, something that helps your score

No Joe, this is a credit card bill:
Cash or Credit Available: $46,400.00

Total Minimum Payment: $0.00 due 06/15/2006

And that is mine :wink: Zero Balance FTW!

That’s a pretty high limit…I figured once you cross the 20K mark they just don’t have limits anymore…what card is that?

I’ve only ever carried a balance on 0% cards…

and MikeRT - Yeah the AMEX Blue is the first AMEX that had pay over time…the standard, gold, plat and BLACK (which this is) are all pay in full.