now this is something that will really give you chills

sorry he was great but he was known cause of his race and his skills. if he was an average white person with skills he wouldnt be as known as mario

mario is one of the best. its a sad end to his career. if he hadnt fought all those issues over the years he would probably be the all time best!!! when he was in prime everytime he touched the puck something came about it good. he scored everywhich way possible in one game. mario will always live on in every penguin fan’s heart as teh best of all time. he has done alot but every great icon comes to and end sooner or later

football > hockey

but mario was freakin great !!!

ur joking right??? he had mad skills, one of the best to ever play the game, he doesnt get enough credit, b/c he had such a short career!!! if he never would have died, he prob. would have been the best player to ever play baseball!!! that dude didnt have an arm, he had a cannon!

no im not joking, im serious. he did have a short career but we cant say how he would of progressed but with mario you could say how he would of done. when he wasnt ill he was great and great he was. now watch for crosby to be the next replacement. he is taking on the role mario left for him and using some of marios skills. also watch for future if marios kids to come into the game and league. the lemieux name hasnt died just set aside for now

how many kids does he have?

I think 4

5 if you count Crosby LOL

and Austin loves hockey. Uhhhhoohhhhh a little mario in the making

listen old and tubby. if it represents a city then why is it :steelers:.

I know you like a sport where the men show your physical charicteristics but you don’t have to be a dick about it

PS- the pens at heart are blue and white cause that is the colors of the first team. they took black and gold because of the other teams in the city

sorry dude his fame is based on his ethnic background and death tragicly while doing a charrity.

he was a great but will never compare to mario and what he has over come in his life.

did roberto have cancer, degenerative back disease, heart problems? better yet did he save his team 2 times from being moved? and through all of that did he become one of the leading scorers of all time?

roberto was great, but he wasn’t even the best at his position while he played… there was a dude named HANK AARON

then outfield in general…Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker, Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, Mel Ott, Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, and Stan Musial

mario is argued as teh greatest ever in his sport, not even his position… from a shit town, on a shit team, and he was french canadian which some say gets the shaft from english speaking canadian refs.

there is no argument. mario > *

… :greddy: for the song though, emo cry musac

here is some trivia where did stan musial come from?

I know because I have his autograph

hey stickboy,i like hocky,just not 25 threads of it!STFU!


well then get rid of all the stickied steelers bullshit too!


this is true…

it is Donora by the way…My Granddad graduated with him. I have a baseball somewhere from him and a little glove holder thing to hang on the wall he signed too

Hockey is gay…the penguins suck…thank god we didn’t build another fucking arena/stadium for them. I’m sick of paying for the two stadiums out of my taxes as it is. They should bump up the tax one more percent and build us a fucking track. How BS is that. To the Penguins…I say… See ya, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

STFU :tool:

