than u can say mario is famous for all of that…b/c Roberto was latian, u say thats were his fame came from? not for having 3,000 hits or being able to throw a man out all the way from deep right field??? Or being World Series MVP???
Saving ur team from being moved has nothing do to with what kind of athlete u are!!!
im not saying is the greatest athlete ever, but to say mario is, is just to much a bold statement
what about Joe Montana, Johny U., or Dan Marino. What about Hank Aarron or Barry Sanders, or other great running backs? like Walter Payton…im just saying Mario >* is just way to bold of a statement!!! Personally i think Michael Jordan is one of the most amazing athletes!!!
and i think mario is the best athlete to play here.he did so much for the city of pittsburgh and hockey.if we wouldnt have drafted him hockey wouldnt have been saved twice.