NSA Surveillance Pro or Against?


Knowing your view from various posts etc I understand your comment. I partially agree with it, however I know its not going to change the fact that its going to happen, legally or illegally which is why I said I’m for it so long as their is regulation…

There will never be a day where everything fucked up, immoral and illegal that this governent does that one day someone will say “Taksies backsies”

Unless there is a major revoloution and the slate is wiped clean, once something happens it sticks… thats just how it works. The minute it becomes a reality good luck getting them to actually stop. Even if they say their decommision this project it will still be run, except now we won’t know about it…

We know about it, its here… You’re being tracked, isntead of getting pissed off we need to figure out what we can do to make sure this isnt used improperly to the best of our abilities. For fucks sake even ron paul says that we need it, but that there needs to be a process, it cannot be used for fishing expeditions… It must go though lawful channels and there needs to be transparancy. This comming from the guy who pretty much wanted to undo everything else