NTFS to FAT32?

huh? what the fuck?

anyway… file systems are file systems… i’m confused why permissions and encryption would be a benefit to a ‘dumb’ gaming console, but whatever…

why is the assumption that either of these systems runs FAT32 or NTFS? i can’t imagine why anyone woudl think that? anyway… the reason it’s formatted in FAT is because it’s a chunk of disk used to save data… its’ cross platform and simplistic… it’s a non journaling system used due to it’s ease of sharing the same disk across platforms.

whatever… what does ubuntu have to do with anything? kernals are all packaged to read ntfs so it’s a moot point… writing ability from the kernal for ntfs is still not going to happen… so wtf does it matter? you’d think you people are doing stress testing and iop counts for your game console disk drives :rofl: