Number of people that loved the 1993 mustang mach 3 concept - ONE ... so he built one


It’s like a beautiful woman with an ugly face. What a let down.


only your stuck looking at her face all the time and you cannot use paper or plastic to cover it up :tdown:

i give him alot of props…fit/finish on all the body panels looks great


everyone seems to be missing this part. Looks like he built it to have balls too…


so…its an ugly chick with a nutsack. No surprise here…

Nice work on the buld, but I agree… It’s ugly as fuck.

ugly and gay


Dave Haymond spent 10 years custom building each panel to make his own Mustang Mach III.


If I were him I’d want my 10 years back. Maybe it was cool 10 years ago when he started this project, but it looks like shit today.

wow… did one hell of a job on that thing. Guy has skills :tup:

Regardless of how ugly the car is (VERY), I still appreciate the work.


looks like a tiburon



That style Mustang is so ugly anyway, and I appreciate the change.

Nose looks like a tib. The shape looks like somewhere between a new t-bird and a Camry Solara. Props on the work.

tiburon with lexus rear end? ewwwww


tiburon with lexus rear end? ewwwww


What model Lexus might you be referring to? I work at Lexus, and don’t know of any car thats soo hideous. It does have a Mercedes Kompressor coupe rearend look to it…

Meh, prefer the banshee


What model Lexus might you be referring to? I work at Lexus, and don’t know of any car thats soo hideous. It does have a Mercedes Kompressor coupe rearend look to it…


err yeah i did mean mercedes. either way a crappy “luxury line” car

looks like a modular ford motor with a blower and polished valve covers



everyone seems to be missing this part. Looks like he built it to have balls too…

