Nvidia at 3GSM

I dont know when it’s coming out, but I want that.

looks pretty sweet…iphone will make this phone pretty non-existant though

thats really sweet

it will definitely compete. its kinda sad the direction that cell phones are heading these days

the market used to be all about smalller and smaller phones. now ppl just want cool shit on them. The technology is there to put phones in wrist watches james bond style. but instead some crazy ppl wanna watch the latest tv shows on their 2.5 inch screen.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:2,topic:24759"”]

iphone will make this phone pretty non-existant though


JW, why do you say it will make this phone non-existant? I don’t really know anything about this one aside from the fact that is has an nVidia chip in it.

Jurt realized it was playing on a dell screen not even on the phone :stuck_out_tongue: