NY 198 now 30mph. Cover the 33? Skyway a park?

The actual issue is the proximity of the road to the park with out proper barriers not the speed or anything else.

If someone had a medical emergency and laid into the gas even if it was 30 they could go crashing into the park.

They’re have been installing barriers all day mitigating all this perceived risk.

You want to build a tunnel from where to where?

Do you drive the 198?

How many people have died? Do we know that speed had anything to do with it? It seems to me like one should know the cause of a failure before determining the remedy.

Driver says he fell asleep before fatal Delaware Park crash

So where is the outrage to immediately install rumble strips?

The driver fell asleep and went off the road. I thought it was pretty obvious that barriers needed to be installed after this happened? The issue goes beyond just this one incident…I do drive the 198 and it amazes me how fast some people drive on there. Some exits come up quick, on ramps are almost instant merge and people don’t allow cars to merge…ever try getting off the 198 and onto the 190 where it splits, without slowing down a good amount? It’s just full of bad slopes that really shouldn’t be used at high speeds…

Pretty sure it’s a bad spot for bikes too, but most likely due to the fact that it’s a great stretch of road to ride on and it’s easy to open it up, but also very little room for mistakes.

      • Updated - - -

A rumble strip still won’t stop someone from going off the road.

I think the issue is that it’s a heavily populated park and there is no need for cars to be doing 55 mph.

Why don’t you drive down transit and look at all the places is 45-50mph and see how close it is to peoples homes?

There are tons of places all over the place where cars travel at a high rate of speed near highly populated areas.

The single issue here is the lack of proper barriers 55mph isn’t fast for modern cars and their handling/braking capabilities.

So if he fell asleep how does lowering the speed limit help?

Correct. 55 MPH is too fast for an expressway that wasn’t designed to be a 55 MPH expressway and hasn’t been upgraded to accommodate that speed.

No, I accelerate for the ramps. It’s kind of odd, but it helps with merging, but really it is just fun.

Weird yet thousands of people travel it every day and live to tell about it.

Wherever there is a debate to be had, there is LZ to tell you you’re wrong. You can argue about it all you want, but guess what, the speed limit is now 30 MPH and changes are going to be made. What are you trying to accomplish here?

You should read the thread again you’re the only person with the other view point because you have some driving insecurities about maintaining 50mph on that stretch of road.

You’re arguing that changing the speed limit on a road the day after an accident to 30mph BEFORE THE CAUSE WAS EVEN DETERMINED wasn’t knee jerk.

I’m glad you can references proposals made in 2007 that were taken so seriously nothing was done with them being that its half way through 2015.

Everyone else here realizes the way you mitigate this issue is putting in barriers then you come back and apply more logic to decide how to proceed.

It’s probably because I’m the only person willing to post about it. Look at how many light posts are knocked down. So your solution is to put barriers up? Now the cars can crash and then stay on the roadway to get hit from behind? You make it sound like throwing up barriers is going to solve the solution here…

You might want to alert the DOT about this risk of barriers keeping cars on the road in the event of the accident they might want to replace the millions of miles of road in the US with this configuration.

Are you having a hard time wrapping your head around a car hitting around with the modern protections in place vs a car running over a human?

You’re acting like the rate of fatal accidents on that stretch of road is magnitudes higher than anywhere else and that is not the case.

How many of your 23,099 posts are of you driving debates? I bet a good amount of them are because I can remember many times you jumping all over me and telling me how wrong I am. Does IT really provide training on DOT these days, you sure are acting like you know everything there is to know about it and everyone else knows nothing.

Maybe because I have the ability to look at facts and make determinations using logic?

Feel free to explain how this guy falling a sleep is a good reason to lower a speed limit.

If he’s bored going 30mph he’ll be less likely to fall asleep? Oh wait.

Lol at Bobby.

This thread.

This doesn’t happen in the suburbs

We just complain about dandelions and dogs barking.

@BOBBYGRV when speed limits are lowered drivers avoid those roads by taking side streets. Take a look at what’s happening in NYC, I believe @fairgentleman_Z linked to one such story.

Look at what happened downtown when Delaware Ave was changed from 2 lanes to 1 lane + a bike lane. Traffic backs up on Delaware during rush hour so drivers now use Franklin or Elmwood instead.

They’re just trading one situation for another. And I’m sure it can be argued that keeping traffic moving on the 198 is safer than increasing traffic on Parkside / Amherst St. where children actually cross the road to the zoo and park.