NY to tax Amazon purchases

I knew I wasn’t the only one or the worst! Colonie gets off easy… I’m looking at you MATT! :ninja



im with ya 100% Pete. this palce makes me hate it more and more with each passing month

dude, you complain about this area a ton. Why don’t you move somewhere else if you hate it so much?

working on it. if it werent for the 1 reason im here, id be auti :runaway

i agree i do. the problem is that right now i’m going through some legal issues in family court. i have a 3 1/2 year old daughter that resides with her mother. if i was to take off now, i feel like i’d be abandoning her, and i don’t feel like thats right. i care about her big time. my mother is also getting old, and she has some health problems. i am kinda inclined to stay around if you know what i mean. if these circumstances weren’t present, you bet your ass i would get ghost from nys in a heartbeat.

same reason for me. family stuff. otherwise id be out in arizona or something

not to be all up in your shit… but those are actually legit reasons… props on that.