NYIRP - 7/9/2014 *Pics & Vids*

Going to attempt to make it to the lot by 5:30
Don’t plan on running anything though - just coming to watch some passes

You can make a pass in my car if you want

Might take you up on that.

I might ride the bike out, Bike passes?

Go grab the R6 for me. I won’t make it in time or else I would.

Any bets that I can cut a better 60’ in LZ’s vette then my Nova?

Also whats up with this cocksucker talk lol Because @LZ1 pointed out that non pushrod powered miatas are slow? Come on we all knew that.


Going to meet up with @IanK and #MrGQ then roll out.

Melted one of my 3" 90* couplers. :fu: trying to figure something out now

Ferry is a no go with couplers here with Donovan now :frowning:

Someone go to innovative and bring me one. Ill pay delivery fee

I haz one in my trailer… My office is right down the street from ray lacks…

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LZ are you running errands for the crew? I need a serp belt… mine looks like it might fail on the ride…

Go to boostcontrollerinc in EA on 16 off main st

I think all my 3" are straight

I will be in a couple hours if you really need something

I just grabbed Drew a metal 90 we shall see if that works


Come on out and hang :slight_smile:

This might be the biggest NYSpeed NYI meet in years


I’m hoping to make a few passes once I put my nova back together.

Wish I could. Work has me boxed in. Need to make some passes though. Next time. Thanks.

Thanks LZ but Gennaro saved the day and grabbed me a belt.

I’ll be headed up with @Minglor and @IanK so if anyone needs something from Innovative, call Ian, pay for it and we’ll deliver it :tup:

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Weather looks to be clearing:

Trying to get out of work to go fix this POS.