NYIRP opening day 4/18/09 video

We had an amazing turnout, and some fast cars there! I surprised myself with how well the Evo performed. There was a third gen Camaro that went 8.99 on pump gas, Emery’s brothers Evo went 12.01 on the stock turbo. Huge turnout from roclife, around 30 cars or so met up at 10:30 and we all drove down together.

This video is junk, but you can see some siq burnout action

The weather was perfect, track prep was great, and the only track cleanup the whole day was a radiator hose in the burnout box, so it was only a matter of minutes to clean up. :tup:

Anyone else that was there (there were hundreds of people for the swap meet and racing), post up pics!

what did you end up running?

It ran pretty good, I was just focusing on my launches, and I started to get the hang of it by the end of the day.

I had a bunch of fun! Alot of cars went a bit faster than what I expected.

Comparing dyno numbers to track times tells us our dyno reads REAL low.


my pics suck. lol BLKWS6 had a good camera for rochester racing.com so didnt take alot of pics, his are gona be way better.

nice looking 3rd gen, went a 8.90 on DRs, pumpgas:clap2:

sweet gasser

Big swap meet too. best $20 I ever spent:snky::snky:

Oh yeah, and I was walking buy the announcer guy and he goes “what does that shirt say?.. I LOVE FRIED CHICKEN AND WATERMELON TOO”. Yeah, that was great, lol.