NYIRP: Wednesday 8/1/07

If I’m not doin anything maybe I’ll cruize up. I’ve been dying to see what I run anyways.

if my down pipe comes in today im down…i have off tommarrow. what time does this go till 11?

We will meet at Schuelle Paint on Main st… near transit… its across the street from the BMW/Mini dealership ~4:00-4:30… ryans gonna try to have all the sand out of his vag and be ready to leave around then… dont be late… cuz im not going to wait… there should be a yellow and black bike in the parking lot at the least.

What kind of location is that lol? No Mighty oh well

ryan works there… and hes gonna try to get out early… so that way we can leave right when he finishes… he’ll be ready… besides its real close to the 90 anyway… its a great location

why dont you take the new hottness?

im going to … hopefully freewheeling will have the forks done by then… :crossesfingers:

im most likely in

im fairly sure there will be over 100 cars there… so yes… 11pm… should be when this event goes until

hmmm sounds like fun, im in if the dp is in today… please please please mr.ups have a box for me today…

If I can find a helmet I’ll cruise out and make some passes. They gave me the boot last time for not having a helmet :frowning: although I should have known.

who else?

sry will we all wont run 9’s like u :frowning:

i doubt i will anyway… but u should come and bring ur brother…

ill be stuck at work til about 6


i doubt i will anyway… but u should come and bring ur brother…


lol i cant do shit during the week, work > me

LAME LAME LAME>… excuses are for people who run 13’s… or 12’s with awd and 500 hp… cough <3 j/k


that was necesarily directed at u… at all actually… whats ur brother up to tommorrow?


that was necesarily directed at u… at all actually… whats ur brother up to tommorrow?


no idea, give him a call :stuck_out_tongue: