NYS Unveils New License Plate Design

Signed, knowing full well it won’t make any more difference than the thousands and thousands of other worthless online petitions that came before it.



NYS is running itself into the ground. Quickly


I can’t wait to leave Buffalo.


So if I put the STi on the road now, i’ll pay once, then come April, have to pay again?
Maybe I’m just reading it wrong, but that is how it looks?

Looks awful… If this sticks I think ill be driving the camaro without a front plate.

No, you’ll pay $20 when you have to re-register your car. If you put plates on your STI now, you’ll be good for 2 years.

That plate sucks so bad, I want to punch my monitor.

I would pay $25 to keep the old plate. Or atleast change the yellow to white

I like the kentucky plate. The sun looks so happy :slight_smile:

What happens to all the old plates? Do they get recycled?

You give them to me so I can hang them on my garage wall for decoration :slight_smile:

so if i get in early i can avoid the ugly yellow for 2 years?

When they got rid of the old Liberty plates you got to keep them, you were supposed to destroy them. (ha!) I keep one of every set of plates I turn in, and with all my summer cars I go though a lot. Since I have to pay $1 I might as well add to the collection on the wall. They never question me.

I found this while looking for plate info- apparently Nebraska got to vote for it’s next plate, and College Humor got people to vote for the ugliest plate offered. Because so many people voted it actually got picked.:biglaugh: Ugly but not as bad as ours.


^^^lol wow

yea i wouldnt be so upset with the look (it does look ugly) if it was free.

The fact that they are making people pay for it is BS. Once again just trying to make more money

Signed BTW

Does this new plate shit include trailers and non-car motor vehicles? I’m gonna be fucking pissed if I have to buy 7 new plates.

I sent David Patterson an email.

Governor Paterson,
I am not writing like the other thousands of New Yorkers that you have undoubtedly heard from in opposition of the new plates and the charge to obtain them. I am writing to speak my disdain regarding their design. I assume that the state is trying to make a “throwback” to the old style as that has become an increasing trend in today’s society (See the NFL). This however is at the loss of nearly everyone that I have talked to. I would have to say that on average it appears that 85% believe that these are very ugly compared to the simple design that they are replacing.

Now I do not believe that an argument has any place without a solution, and my proposed solution would be to run a one month design contest and allow the citizens of New York to vote on which plate they would be happy with. I can’t imagine that these plates are being produced as of yet and that would make me think that there is still time to recover from this omission of judgment by whom ever chose this hideous design.

I am not a designer by trade however I am a programmer and run several web sites and communities. Knowing the states current financial standing as I feel it’s burden every Friday I would be willing to create a voting site to give New Yorkers a voice in this decision. A voice that is rarely heard by any level of Government above council member.

I am self assured that this note will be discarded much faster than the time it took me to type it, but as more and more citizens exodus from this state please take a moment to see that the states they are running to are offering them this kind of empowerment. For reference to this comment please see:




Those are four of the numerous google results for states allowing their citizens input on the license plates that will inevitably take up residence on their vehicles.

Thank you for your time and concern in this matter,
Michael S. Gleeson

Emails and online petitions to politicians = waste of time.

This I know… I actually typed that right in there. I am sure that one of his interns will read the first 3 words then immediately click delete. The only level of Gov’t that I have recieved great responses back is City Council. I did get some feedback from Brian Higgins once, but that was because we were having a Pint at W.J. Morriseys

New York just needs some good ol’ anarchy to get our point across.