Who cares. The worlds is ending in 2012 anyways.
one more reason I hate this fucking state soo much. Not only are they forcing us to get new plates and scrap all the perfectly good existing ones for no other apparent reason, but we have to pay for them, the proceeds of which will undoubtedly be recklessly squandered too just like the rest of the state budgets of various departments that have been pissed away hence the need for this new scheme. On top of it all they make the new plates purposely the shittiest looking things ever and then make you literally parade around with them affixed to both ends of your otherwise nice looking vehicle so that it’s really a big boot ground into your face constantly reminding you who’s running the show making the shitty decisions and pissing your hard earned money away and where the rest of us are all too busy caught in between a rock and a hard place trying to make ends meet and too scared to rock the boat cause it’s already not far from tipping over & drowning us all
its not enough they beat the shit out of you, then they wanna stand over you and make fun of you too
now i’m done
You didn’t get the memo, once it passes and everyone pays, they will redesign them into something awesome and make you pay again
That email won’t work, wanna know why?
Patterson is blind.
yea once the 2yrs have gone by a new design will be out. Kinda like team logos and jerseys
I bet they will start issuing new plates every year just to squeeze more money out of us.
Since when are states fucking franchises?
edit: kind of funny how we all just thought the same thing…
I wish I could use that excuse for everything…
Awsome for sabres thrwoback if you could get the symbol on there, otherwise pretty gay.
what if they charge us 20 dollars to keep our old plate instead of our old number? its less cost of producing new plates and they still get their fee, and we dont have to have an ugly ass plate. oh wait, dumb idea. nevermind
^ Then they couldn’t come up with the lame excuse of the plates losing reflectivity and how new plates will lower insurance rates in NY, or whatever BS they think we will fall for.
I swear they think we are retarded. Hmm… throw a few key words in there like lower insurance rates and more safety and they’ll buy it!
if it really does lower insurance rates, they can make them hot pink for all I care.
HUGE :tup: if it works out…
Paterson Backs Away From New License Plate Plan
I guess based on the dunnville petition I have heard this too much recently. I almost started believing it. Our petition is working, and it looks like this one will too.
I hope its true, those plates are a joke.
Looks like the online petition is working :tup:
AW:( I mean I’d like the new plates if they were FREE. I’m sick of the old plates.
Go puke yellow shit all over your old plate, it will look just like the scrapped one :tup:
Hm, they will try to squeeze out the money one way or another anyways.
I doubt that had anything to do with it.