Admin miscommunication - not everyone read the same posts.
Anyway - after the board got fucked up and we lost a bunch of shit, I have a lot more to do than make make your posts count on OT.
I have a lot more to do than make make your posts count on OT.
How about those avatars:P
Disable post count. Enable avatars :tup: 
Admin miscommunication - not everyone read the same posts.
Anyway - after the board got fucked up and we lost a bunch of shit, I have a lot more to do than make make your posts count on OT.
i see.
WHAT? THERE ARE PROBLEMS WITH THE MOTHER SHIP??? I hadnt noticed. Get on that shit y0!!
IB4Ban :rx3:
Disable RoadRunner. Enable FIOS in Amherst :tup: 
Kill Sigs, Bring back Rep points
Kill Sigs, Bring back Rep points
no karma, no way.
Avs > post count > :walter: > tubgirl.jpg > karma
I wouldn’t mind seeing trader feedback returning
no karma, no way.
Avs > post count > :walter: > tubgirl.jpg > karma
-eleventy billion
I really am serious… I think the karma is the best thing to hit the internet since The internet
trader feedback = :tup:
Karma = an innovative way to mark influential members, when NOT BEING ABUSED. We abused the shit out of it.
Scared of healthy competition? Haha.
Scared of healthy competition? Haha.
lol, Im just sick of hit or miss service thruogh TW. Especially when I can have hit or miss service with a faster advertised speed.
lol, Im just sick of hit or miss service thruogh TW. Especially when I can have hit or miss service with a faster advertised speed.
Touche, however I’ve yet to have speed problems at any location. Needless to say thats another thread.
Rep points/AV’s bring em back!
We abused the shit out of it.
oh god yea, and it was hystrical
the comments in some of my negtives were amazing, alot of times i wanted to know who it was just so i could let the person know it was >*
edit : and bring back avatars, because i would pay a nice chunk of change to give someone here a custom (unchangable) avatar
any way to make avatars outside links just like sigs are ? that way they dont suck bandwidth
Trader feedback needs to be here.
^ EA peeps automatically start at a negative