bring back karma.

for the win.




there was so much goodness to be had…

why not?


-5 karma points.

People abused it, remember?

“I don’t like you so I am going to give you -50 Karma even though you only said that I was stupid for putting my shoes on before my socks.”

Or something similar…

the return of karma = the return of me uploading gigs of porn to keep the nyspeed community happy

and members that are whacking off are membrs that wont cause drama … its a win win situation

haha, but did anyone really put much stock in it? it was just a little treat. :stuck_out_tongue:

History will repeat itself. All it will take is one individual to start abusing it and the flood gates would open.

Hell no on karma.

Answer me this. If post counts don’t matter to anyone then why should Karma? How can you abuse something that is meaningless?

Besides if there was any abuse of Karma, the person I suspect is most guilty of it has been banned.


If it’s meaningless (karma), why bring it back? :shrug:

Post count has a purpose, now that it is focused where it needs to be.

Right. I would suggest Karma back if post counts were totally abolished. We need to work for something. I don’t come here becuase I like talking to you morons. :wave:

JEG got banned?

P.S. Karma was crappy. Newman, you just want it back because you know all of his nyspeed boyfriends will make you a karma god. again. faster.

I thought you loved us… :cry:

i was working my way up the karma ladder too … qnd i was doing it on the backs of suicidegirls too … lol

edit: your, not his.

and why karma again? is nyspeed boring without it? is work boring without it?