NYSpeed and Carlisle in 2007

Before everyone gets excited about going to Carlisle this year, there are some things we need to talk about.

Since last year was such a success, I know that everyone has high expectations for this year… expectations that simply won’t be met.

We were never promised the pavilion again in 2007. There was never a conversation about it between myself and the event coordinators. While we were thanked for our showing and there were handshakes / remarks exchanged, I was never told “Hey, if you guys come back next year we’ll give you the pavilion again!” Anything that was said off-the-cuff by the staff over lunch was in no way any sort of agreement.

That being said, we DO NOT have the pavilion this year. I’ve been told that plans are in the works for the show that would require the use of the pavilion for other things.

The only thing we’ve been offered is a slightly larger “club tent” than what the usual groups of 25+ cars get. So best case scenario - our cars are out on the open showfield with all the tasteless cars… possibly in the rain and mud as the tent is only big enough to stand under.

That doesn’t sound very appealing to me, I don’t know about you guys. Combine that with the fact that none of us really enjoy the show anyway and honestly, I don’t want to plan this event again this year. Especially if I know it can’t be as good as it was. It’s hard to top something that was almost perfect. But I don’t want to hear anyone in this thread bash the Carlisle staff especially after how well they treated us last year.

Now I didn’t want to drop this on you guys without offering an alternative for a kick-off-the-summer event. There is something I’m looking into right now that is about the same drive time away and right around the same date at Carlisle… but that offers MUCH more to people like the members of our forum. Not only that, but it will be a greater platform to promote the site from a enthusiast and automotive perspective. Hell, even the domestic guys will WANT to go to this. Once I have more info I’ll let you guys know. :tup:

So don’t stop getting your cars ready for spring - there is something better in the works!

Cliff Notes: No NYSpeed.com @ Carlisle in 2007

Yeah…if what we talked about on the phone is a viable option…it will make everyone on the board happy and enthusiastic about it…Imports and Domestics all cruising together for a great good…O MY :slight_smile:

If that is a green light…you guys will not miss carlisle in the least…I can promise you that.

exactly what i was going to say. I know that Josh wont let everyone down, and the new plans seem much better than carlisle anyhow!

Jay and I were chatting about how much we are looking forward to going up to Toronto again this year. Even if no one else goes, I’m planning on doing that again.

Oh Toronto is a definite go for this year :slight_smile:


id like to go on some of these small trips this summer. not so much to race, but to cruise around with some nice cars, shoot the shit, have some good times

i would like to try and make it

Onyx…you need to fill me in. I’m sure its cool whatever you’re planning and i’ll more then likely be up for it :slight_smile:

let me know if you need any help.

as long as there is karaoke at a near by bar and there is a restaurant that can really handle the amount of people going down

im in.

yea, from what i’ve seen so far josh, i like the direction your going in on this :tup:

you really should, always ends up bein a good time :tup:

hellllll yes toronto again, i loved those vintage racers!

I will most likly go to carlisle this year so i can bring my dads ex up tent. Its 10x20. Let me know if i should.

People forget how to read in the '07?

so where exactly is it


WEll i read most of it but i didnt read the part that said no carlisle in 07. Lol Well if there are anyother shows outdoors let me know.

yea…toronto will be much MUCH better.

either way. I am down for whatever you have planned :tup:

Yeah if were not getting the pavillion again I really dont want to go to carlisle. Im definately down for a change in venue.

i may have to do the whole weekend this year for toronto

i would love to go to toronto this year, if i get my euro bumpers on and the car re-sprayed in time im totally down. i will be 100% de-riced this summer