NYSpeed BBQ 2006

I say before school starts up again for us college people…end of the summer thing… i think it’s starts august 28th for me… so not the 27th… i prepare for school the day before :slight_smile:

any sunday besides an auto-x sunday.

the 6th would be a good week. my vote is for the evan-angola park. its got a nice beach too!

i just found out the 20th is a no go for me. i vote 6th or 13th

DSM shootout is on the 13th weekend. so any of the others are cool :tup:

I vote for chestnut ridge, then emery park.

as long as it’s on a sunday i’m down. on one side i want it earlier in the month, but on the other i might not have my car done until mid aug.

so 3rd sunday works i guess :tup:

lets get a poll going for location…it will be alot easier

I know i will have the 6th off, and my car will definitely be done.

letchworth would make for a nice cruise down 20a.

yes but 20a through warsaw = many a po po. its also strait as an arrow.

cruise from emery to say sprague brook = more gooder.

chesnut ridge + Erie Sherrif substation = less shenanigans.

What have people said so far?

Chestnut Ridge
Ellicott Creek

What am I missing?

Ellicott Creek shelter #7 has parking for about 150 cars, and a big ass grill, FYI

Ellicott Creek on the 6th, FTW??

Looks the the 6th is going to win…

Looks like I’m gonna need to haul ass back from Nelson Ledges to join you guys.