NYSpeed before and after?

Im in for this, I was at 262, and alot of workin out and dieting im down to 225. I dont have pics with the beer belly but its definately noticeable with my face and shape now. Ill have to take pics now because my eventual goal is 200.

I dont mean to sound like a girl but i sleep better, alot better. And my blood pressure is way down, not to mention i just feel better all around. Im happier with my apperance and i dont care what people think of that. Everyone that loses weight does it for their own reasons

you would never give meat up.

I did you queer, its been a while… too since I had it last

in, ima fatass

Yo I just did pushups. You all better get crackin.

I love the idea of posting my SWELLED UP body parts!


I just ate a container of lays stax, grasshopper cookies, two soda’s, and some chunky chili. I am crackin.


I ride 2 hours everynight on my bike. And restrict what I eat. I’m suppose to take in about 4600 calories a day (conservative estimate) I take in about 2500. I’m down about 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks… 25 to go :slight_smile:

So I’m thinking 2 stickies.

“NYSpeed’s Biggest Loser: Official scoreboard”


“NYSpeed’s Biggest Loser: Official discussion”

Scoreboard is only for posts in this format:

Name: Jimbo
Age: 26
Height: 5’11"
Starting weight: 190
Build type: 200SX SE-R => Reasonably athletic but my age is starting to creep up on me.

Current Weight: (Edit your weight weekly here)

Picture: Optional. Guaranteed to provide motivation, but does not exclude you from participation.

Other thread is for discussion, since thread #1 is the scoreboard.

This is an automotive forum. Make sure to creatively liken your body type to a vehicle in your score card post. :tup:

There will be a preliminary victor declared, when else, at the spring barbecue when we are all likely to show our faces and manly biceps in public for the first time. But that only leaves 6 weeks, so secondary winner declared later. When?


WTF i get screwed cause i am already in shape. I do need to cut soon though i am getting quite soft.

You can still improve.

Is 6 weeks long enough to declare a winner? Just restart it for a summer session? Winner gets an NYSpeed banana hammock to show off his newfound sexyness? Jar of whey protein powder?

F this noise i am not cutting it sucks way too hard. Ill just post pics from my last cut hahahaha. WIN/

i was obviously making a gay joke.

also, I can’t participate. cuz i’m trying to gain weight :gay:

WHy can’t you participate if you want to cut/gain weight?

Just post before and after pics…

I just did 300 crunches! but my fat hides my stomach :frowning:

O’RLY? I am now actually eating another container of Lays STAX(salt&vinegar) they are so good. I need to find a bag of that stuff i used to have…self control thats it!

I’m in on this. I’ve been waiting for one of these threads to pop up in one of the forums i’m on. I’ve been telling myself i have to get in shape for too long. I guess it is time to actually do something about it. Time to doo work.

If someone here does have a BAC membership and wants to work out let me know, Its kinda hard to self motivate sometimes.

And +1 for frys idea.

But i have a different suggestion.

Its been proven if you offer people money they tend to be more motivated to lose weight. So im proposing that whoever does want to do a “biggest loser” ish kind of contest pony up 10 bucks then we set a time period and designate an offical weigh scale/ and day that we mark progress. I havent thought of how to deal with non local people but im sure there are ways. Winnar take all and gets some kind of custom title.

Do you work at BAC?

May I put up a sign that says, “Please powder your fat ass somewhere not near the entrance.”


i dont work there, but that kind of shit pisses me off to.

Or the guys who feel the need to walk around naked in the lockers and then just sit there.

And at least that dude was powdering his ass, i caught some dude blow drying his junk


Name: Phil
Age: 27
Height: 5’11"
Starting weight: 262
Build type: Ford F250. Not quite the big boy but getting there

Current Weight: 225
Target Weight: 200
Picture: pics when im into the target area