NYSpeed before and after?

I’m down 30lbs since march :slight_smile:

yea but whats your dick weigh…b&a?

:frowning: its gone… thats where the 30lbs went…

I did before and after pictures… problem is that I stopped working out for about 11 months and lost the weight I put on. I was up to 175 and went down to 160ish. I’ve been working out for the past month or so and got back ~6lbs. My goal is to get back to 175. I’m 5’10 btw.

Up to 10 lbs… going to stay here for a lil bit because I’m gaining weight and burning fat at the same time, in about a month I’ll be up another 5lbs or so.

no naked, spandex is tolerable.

No pics…

But since the beginning of September I’m down from a husky husky 250 to a less husky 215.

Was just proud of myself and wanted someone to call me fat anyway. So I posted here.

im still going up… i was at 255 few weeks ago

I put on another 4 for a total of 14.

I’ve been stuck in the low 180s for a while now… but I’m getting stronger still… I managed to get 6 reps of 85# incline dumbells for the first time yesterday.

Thats manly.